Case 5. Augmented and Virtual Reality for Safety Training

Blog by a group from e-learning industry placing questions about the use of AR and VR in safety training. These comprise pragmatic considerations like costs, number of learners, business impact of training, business risk, or cost incurred due to the situation, commonness of the situation, etc.. It presents some scenarios that may help the decision about using VR or AR. “So let’s proceed on the assumption you have a worthy case before you. How would VR help? Let’s take the ‘defusing a bomb’ thing as an example.

– You don’t need to incur the expense of purchasing the physical objects you would otherwise need in your training simulation (e.g. the fake bomb that goes ‘pfffff’ and releases smoke if you’ve made a wrong move).

– You don’t have the recurring expense of replacing those physical (probably custom-made) objects for each batch of learners (because you can’t economize on each person getting the ‘pfffff’ feedback).

– You can control, customize, and even change up the environment more efficiently (the bomb can go ‘pfffff’, squirt paint, and release smoke and tick at an increasing volume up to detonation point).

– Your learners can wear the headset anywhere to access the training, not just have to be physically at the training simulation room you’ve created (on-demand ‘pfffff’, who would’ve thunk!).